Brazil was the "beginning of days" for the vision of I.C.I. ministry. Having followed the Lord's leading to Goiania, the founding Ministers received a donation of land to establish a missionary training center for South America. I.C.I.'s representative, Rev. Eduardo Torsani, made great progress in promoting the idea of putting "North American training into the Latin soul."Opening up many opportunities to bring spiritual life to many churches, I.C.I. went even further inland, when President Steve Goundry and Rev. Torsani traveled to Corumba. The small city of Corumba is situated in the very center of the continent, sharing a border with Bolivia. The majestic River Paraguay runs close by and through the medical ministry of Healthcare for Humanity, I.C.I. was able to bring the Gospel to the remote Indian villages along the river.Ministry of this kind is desperately needed and so many villages in Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil were touched with God's love. The vision in Goiania of the missionary training center still remains and so the Board of I.C.I. continues to seek God for its fulfillment and for its eventual purpose.
Guatemala has become a special place for all of us here at I.C.I. We made some deep connections with the Guatemalan people when we were there recently. In particular, the link with Pastor Israel and his wife, Cecilia was precious to us all. They were wonderful hosts to our medical team. The opportunity to work in Guatemala came through a ministry called ‘Plant Today’ when Pastor Steve was asked to work in tandem with their vision for total renewal of a town through the Gospel. The town that was chosen was called San Pedro Las Huertes –a very poor town, only a few miles away from the celebrated Antigua. The medical mission was a part of many other things that were being planned for the furtherance of the kingdom of God in that area. The medical team flew in and conducted its clinics at the foot of an extinct volcano. Nearly six hundred patients were attended to. The clinics were so well received, that the “fragrance” of the work seemed to hang in the atmosphere even after the team had left. The Guatemalans were some of the nicest, warmest and appreciative people that we have ever met. It was easy to make a connection with them and we are all looking forward to visiting them again in the future. - Click Here for Newsletter
The door of opportunity to be a blessing to Honduras opened to us in 2008. Pastor Steve made an initial visit to the capital city Tegucigalpa, to make arrangements for the I.C.I. medical team to quickly follow. Soon after, the medical team flew into the country, albeit at the other end, because the main airport had been closed down due to a fatal aircraft landing a few months before. Traveling the difficult, mountainous roads, the team arrived in the capital and after preaching the word of God on the Sunday, they commenced their clinics in the retreat center, located in the surrounding hills. Nearly seven hundred patients were ministered to that week and were greatly helped in their physical problems. However, the spiritual and social problems of the Honduran people were greater –especially among the youth. In a culture of violence, many young people are being coerced into street gangs. The clinics were conducted from a retreat center that our host, Pastor Marco had constructed with the purpose of being able to get some of the endangered youth out of the city. He has about seventy kids staying at the center on weekends. Added to that, is the feeding program he has going on. Currently, he has over five hundred children being fed at five different locations around the city. I.C.I. is pleased to be able to financially support this feeding ministry every month. We look forward to returning there in the future to further assist this ‘Oasis of Love.’ - Click Here for Newsletter
From July 27th - 30th 2018, the International Christian Institute will be conducting Divine healing services in Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras. Building upon what the Lord accomplished through the teams that went to Panama and Guatemala, the expectation for God to do wonderful things runs high. Having taken medical teams to Honduras in the past, the leadership of the ministry now feel that the healing ministry of Christ is what is needed the most. We are all looking forward to experiencing the Lord using us once again to bring health and wholeness to an area of the world that has great need. We believe that God will do great things!
Brazil was the "beginning of days" for the vision of I.C.I. ministry. Having followed the Lord's leading to Goiania, the founding Ministers received a donation of land to establish a missionary training center for South America. I.C.I.'s representative, Rev. Eduardo Torsani, made great progress in promoting the idea of putting "North American training into the Latin soul. "Opening up many opportunities to bring spiritual life to many churches, I.C.I. went even further inland, when President Steve Goundry and Rev. Torsani traveled to Corumba. The small city of Corumba is situated in the very center of the continent, sharing a border with Bolivia. The majestic River Paraguay runs close by and through the medical ministry of Healthcare for Humanity, I.C.I. was able to bring the Gospel to the remote Indian villages along the river. Ministry of this kind is desperately needed and so many villages in Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil were touched with God's love. The vision in Goiania of the missionary training center still remains and so the Board of I.C.I. continues to seek God for its fulfillment and for its eventual purpose.
Guatemala has become a special place for all of us here at I.C.I. We made some deep connections with the Guatemalan people when we were there recently. In particular, the link with Pastor Israel and his wife, Cecilia was precious to us all. They were wonderful hosts to our medical team. The opportunity to work in Guatemala came through a ministry called ‘Plant Today’ when Pastor Steve was asked to work in tandem with their vision for total renewal of a town through the Gospel. The town that was chosen was called San Pedro Las Huertes –a very poor town, only a few miles away from the celebrated Antigua. The medical mission was a part of many other things that were being planned for the furtherance of the kingdom of God in that area. The medical team flew in and conducted its clinics at the foot of an extinct volcano. Nearly six hundred patients were attended to. The clinics were so well received, that the “fragrance” of the work seemed to hang in the atmosphere even after the team had left. The Guatemalans were some of the nicest, warmest and appreciative people that we have ever met. It was easy to make a connection with them and we are all looking forward to visiting them again in the future. - Click Here for Newsletter
A ‘Macedonian call’ was made to us to come and visit Ecuador and perform a medical clinic in a needy area of Ecuador’s second city, Guayaquil. We found the area to be desperately poor and quite dangerous but having discovered some local army barracks, we were able with the soldier’s assistance, to perform our ministry among the people undisturbed. They gave us the use of an old medical facility situated on their grounds and from there we were able to attend to the medical needs of around 700 people – some of whom we had brought in by coaches from another area of the country.
Dominican Republic
The ministry of I.C.I. in the Dominican Republic has been accomplished through our associate ministry of Healthcare for Humanity. Seeing the abject poverty in isolated areas of the country, Pastor Steve Goundry made two further visits to the island with medical teams. Ministering to the physical needs of the people during the day and preaching God's word to them in the evenings (some in crowded open-air venues), the full expression of Christ's love was shown. Many young people are responding to the Gospel and it is our desire to teach, mentor and mature some of them to future leadership positions.The country has recently been hit by natural disasters. Of note was a town called Jimani. It was here where the financial assistance of nearly two thousand dollars was sent by I.C.I. to ship medical supplies to a hurting community. Once again, the "message" and the "medicine" have proved to be the key to the problems.
Panama is our latest addition to the countries that the Lord has opened up to us, allowing us to bring in our much needed medical ministry. Panama is a country of economic contrasts. Great wealth comes to the country through strategic investments in Panama City and the canal which brings billions of dollars into the country every year and yet outside of that ‘bubble’ live many poor folks who are in great need. As the Lord said, “The poor you have with you always.” So, we found the people we were looking for in an area called San Miguelito and we attended to the physical needs of about 700 patients. We discovered a grateful people, especially among the indigenous Indian population.