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Preparing Children to be Strong in the Lord!

Children's Ministry

At ICI Ministry, we believe the children belong in the Church, not just babysat so adults can do “church.” Although little, we believe that children can do big things for God. Therefore, our children's ministry #littleBIGthings, is preparing children to be strong in the Lord! Matt 19:14, “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 


Mission Statement

To prepare children to grow-up strong in the Lord; that they would love Jesus with all their heart, and will have a hunger to be a vessel for His glory.​


  1. Children are healthier when supported by a Christ-like community.

  2. Children's ministry is a ministry to the whole family unit.

  3. Parents are the biggest influences over their child(ren) lives, not children’s pastors.

  4. The church body has a responsibility to cover the vulnerable in prayer (i.e. children)

Core Values

Worship -  We believe that the practice of worship starts at an early age. Therefore, your children are encouraged and welcome to be a valuable part of family worship time.


Education -  We believe that the Truth found in the Bible is for all ages. Therefore, all children will be taught the Holy Scriptures in an age appropriate and relevant way.


Love & Relationships -  We believe that God is love, and desires a relationship with His children. Therefore, we display Christ-like love and gentleness to all children and model healthy relationships.


Generosity - We believe the Lord loves a cheerful giver. Therefore we teach (and model) children the importance of giving monetary gifts, time, talent, and service.


Purity - We believe the pure shall see God. Therefore, we believe in teaching and challenging motivations of the hearts of children, to prepare them with the opportunity to experience the fullness of God.


Discipline/Self - Control -  We believe that disciplined thoughts and actions are the key to fruitfulness and peace. Therefore, we strive to keep the children’s classroom orderly for the betterment of their learning.

Adult Involvement/Partnership - We believe that children model behavior more than implementing what has been said to them. Therefore, we need the Church to recognize the importance and value of each child that comes to the Church, and help them grow in the Lord

Books available on Amazon
authored by Pr. Rachel (Lois)

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