About Us

The International Christian Institute came into legal existence on September 3rd 2002, being recognized by the State of Florida as a non-profit corporation. On April 11th of the following year, it was categorized as a 501 c(3) religious organization by the United States Internal Revenue Service. The genesis of the ministry began in January 2002 when Rev. Stephen Goundry and Rev. Eduardo Torsani traveled to Brazil and from that visit; many opportunities for ministry presented themselves. The medical missions that were undertaken included some of the most isolated parts of the South American continent. Using river boats to navigate the jungle rivers allowed the medical teams to attend to the poor living in the remote areas of Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia. Since that time, many other countries have opened up and the Lord has given us the privilege of serving Him and His people in such countries like the Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Honduras; Jamaica; Guatemala and Panama.In January 2008, I.C.I. became a church and the ministry has been functioning as a New Testament church in Boca Raton, Florida, having both a community outreach and a continued vision for world missions. Added to that is the I.C.I. Fellowship of Ministers which began in January 2011 and the first I.C.I. Minister’s Conference was held in January 2012. This part of the ministry is of mutual benefit to all those involved, utilizing the Ministerial credentials that we offer to fulfill their own calling and at the same time, giving us the benefit of seasoned Ministers among us.
Our Leaders:

Pr. Stephen Goundry
Senior Pastor
Rev. Stephen Goundry is an ordained Minister living here in the United States. Leaving his home-land of England in October 2000, Stephen and his wife Pauline along with their three grown-up children based their lives and ministries in Boca Raton, Florida. Previous to his arrival, Stephen had been a missionary for many years in Russia, Romania and East Germany. Encountering the desperate needs in Eastern Europe caused him to form the U.K. charity, "Operation Joseph" - a ministry of humanitarian aid to the poor. An opportunity in the United States to continue this kind of work in South America and the Caribbean allowed Stephen to "carry the bones of Joseph" into the poor areas on this side of the world. As Founder and President of International Christian Institute, Stephen has been able to effectively combine the humanitarian outreach with the preaching of the Gospel. Believing firmly that the "Message" and the "Medicine" go together, he has spent his energies taking medicines and aid from the "Source to the Need" and promoting the Gospel by "Preparing those who will Go! "The other "edge" on Stephen's "sword" has been his public speaking, his mentoring of ministry candidates, and in recent days, his writing. Ps. Stephen has now authored three books!

Pr. David Goundry
Associate Pastor
Rev. David Goundry is an ordained Minister, who having been born in England, moved to the United States, furthering the call of God upon his life to teach and ‘equip the saints.’ His abilities to teach and mentor have found a perfect fit in the ministry ethos of the International Christian Institute which is to “prepare those who will go.” David also works for the ministry of OneHope which is an outreach to the children of the world, bringing them the Gospel in ways that they can easily understand. He has traveled to many countries with the message of Jesus Christ to the children and youth of the world and he is a respected minister of the word of God at the home base. Here at ICI, David serves as an elder in the church and as secretary of the corporation. He is also an “ever-present” on all foreign medical missions that ICI undertakes. David and his wife Luiza serve the Lord in the musical ministry of the church, leading the congregation in praise and worship every week. They reside here in Boca Raton, Florida and they have two children, Sarah and Samuel.

Pr. Rachel Furtado
Children's Pastor
Rev. Rachel Furtado is an ordained Minister, a mother, and a champion for Biblical literacy in children and youth. Like David, Rachel also works for the ministry of OneHope which is an outreach to the children of the world, bringing them the Gospel in ways that they can easily understand. Rachel's primary role and passion either at OneHope, home, or church, is presenting spiritual development opportunities and support for growth. Rachel has authored two Christian children books, as well as illustrating one of them herself! She also gained her Master's of Science in Organizational Leadership, as she enjoys consulting in ministry design conversations. Rachel and her husband, Everton, along with her two children serve the Lord at ICI.
Statement of Faith

We believe in one God – eternally existing in Three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; these Three being commonly known as the Trinity.

We believe that the Bible, in its entirety, is the divine revelation of God, and we submit to its authority, acknowledging it to be inerrant, and inspired and is our guide for all matters of faith and practice.

We believe that the Triune God created the world and all things in it; calling them into existence through His Word. We believe that He planned all things by His wisdom and that He controls all things through His sovereign power, for His own glory.

We believe that God created Man in His own image and that Man was called to manifest God to the world through obedience to God’s commandments. We believe that Man entered into a state of moral corruption through sin and that subsequently, he has become estranged from His Creator and has come under His wrath and condemnation. We believe that through sin, mankind became spiritually dead and therefore unable to please God or merit salvation.

We believe that because of a profound love for His creation, that God eternally purposed redemption in the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the historical incarnation (virgin birth) of God in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth. We confess Jesus Christ to be the Messiah of Old Testament prophecy, being at the same time, fully God and fully Man. We believe that through His substitutionary, atoning death on the Cross and His bodily resurrection, that He has provided the meritorious basis of our justification, which by God’s grace we receive by faith alone.

We believe and practice two ordinances: 1. Water Baptism by immersion, after repentance and receiving Christ’s gift of salvation. 2. Holy Communion, as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s sufferings and our identification with Him. We believe that proceeding from the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit indwells the believers, effecting their regeneration and operating in their sanctification. The same Holy Spirit has been given to the People of God with His gifts and graces to empower them for service. We believe that the Church is called to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ under the power of the Holy Spirit and under the authority of Holy Scripture, exercising discipline, administering the sacraments, making disciples of all nations. We believe that the Church consists of all people of all time, who have received the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

We believe that Christ will return personally and bodily to consummate His kingdom. We believe there will be a final judgment for those who have not been saved, when they will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment. We believe that God will create a new heaven and a new earth and that we will live with Him forever in a state of righteous perfection.